


gym equipment.[例句]他在体育运动中心工作,教人们如何使用健身器材。He works in a sports centre instructing people in the use of the gym equipment.。


1、Treadmill:跑步机。A treadmill is a device generally for walking or running or climbing while staying in the same place. 跑步机通常是在原地行走、跑步或攀爬的设备。

2、Exercise bike:健身脚踏车。Exercise bike(as known as stationary bicycle,exercise bicycle or spinning bike)健身脚踏车(也称为固定自行车、健身自行车或动感单车)。

3、Leg press machine:腿压机。The leg press is a weight training excercise in which the individual push a weight or resistance away by them using their legs. 腿压机是1种重量训练运动,在这种运动中,个人用腿把重量或阻力推开。

4、Bench press:仰卧推举。Bench Press is a full body, compound exercise. You can get your chest, shoulders and triceps trained. 仰卧推举是1种全身综合锻炼。你的胸部、肩膀和3头肌能得到锻炼。

5、Dumbbell:哑铃。The dumbbell is a piece of equipment used in weight training. It can be used individually or in pairs, with one in each hand.哑铃是1种用于举重训练的器械。它可以单独使用,也可以成对使用,每只手拿1个。

6、Rowing machine:划船器。A rowing machine is essentially a piece of exercise equipment that mimics the motion of rowing a boat in water.赛艇机本质上是1种模拟水中划船运动的运动器材。


你好!我是菜鸟,请问各种健身器材I'm a rookie. Excuse me for all kinds of fitness equipment.。


健身器材常以训练功能多少来分为单功能和综合型多功能两大类,常用的有划船器、健美车、健步机、跑步机、美腰机等。那么你知道健身器材用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习1下吧。   健身器材的英语说法1:   body building apparatus   健身器材的英语说法2:   Fitness equipment   健身器材的英语说法3:   exercise equipment   健身器材的相关 短语 :   健身器材配件 Fitness Equipment Accessories   固定式健身器材 Stationary training equipment   园内设有健身器材 Park with fitness equipment   健身器材模具 Fitness equipment mould   健身器材的英语例句:   1. The village has gymnastical equipment, property management is rigorous, safety has safeguard.   社区有健身器材, 物业治理严格, 平安有保障.   2. IsoFit - pirates , gyrotonic, fitness physical training Yoga , body kinetics , Rommet technique posture , Allegro.   雷威信加洲健身中心-有私人教练指导健身 方法 、 会所介绍和健身器材介绍等.   3. Mylife International Gym & Spa have famous " Life Fitness " Gym Facilities and Spa Equipment.   魅力宝国际健身美容俱乐部拥有1整套国际知名品牌 “ 力健 ” 的健身器材和美容设备.   4. The combination of hi - tech with fitness equipment is a big trend.   高科技与健身器材的结合,是1个大的趋势.   5. People in the past had no access to such health - building facilities.   过去的人们根本就接触不到这种健身器材.   6. It has some state - of - the - art exercise equipment ..   那里有1些最先进的健身器材.   7. Must meet prevailing commercial use fitness equipment standard.   所有器材需符合通行商业用健身器材规格要求.   8. I mainly cover the air - conditioning, electrical cabinets, fitness equipment, display stand products such as spray processing.   我公司主要是对空调外壳, 电器柜, 健身器材, 展示架等产品进行喷涂加工.   9. Maiga: It'seems that the reason of the popularity of the fitness equipment is here.   麦加: 看来,健身器材的火爆原因就在这儿了.   10. Fitness Center gym treadmill, etc. to provide fitness equipment, swimming pool area of 300 square meters.   健身中心健身房提供跑步机等健身器材, 游泳 池面积300平方米.   11. Gym at the Main, 8 th floor, to provide full - featured, high - end equipment of fitness equipment.   健身馆设于主楼8楼, 提供功能齐全, 设备 高档 的健身器材.   12. Produced by sports fitness equipment, recreation supplies, safe and reliable, high performance, aesthetics comfortable.   公司生产的运动健身器材, 休闲用品, 安全可靠 、 性能卓越 、 美观舒适.   13. Marketers of health foods and exercise equipment cater to this trend with appropriate products and communications.   健康食品和健身器材的营销者以适当的产品和信息迎合这种潮流.   14. This article will provide you with on how to shop for home fitness equipment in Arizona.   本文将为您提供如何购买健身器材在亚利桑那州.   15. We have some of the latest gymnastic apparatus. Would you like to have a look?   我们这儿到了些最新的健身器材, 想看1看 吗 ?。


gym equipment. [例句]他在体育运动中心工作,教人们如何使用健身器材。 He works in a sports centre instructing people in the use of the gym equipment.。


滑梯children's slide跷跷板see-saw原地自行车exercise bikesshort bar 短杠aerobic steps 踏步器。
