What are some examples of manly body building photos?男性强壮体格的照片有哪些例子?


Heres an example of a strong male bodybuilding photo这是一例坚强的男身体建筑照片:

Heres an example of a strong male bodybuilding photo这里有一个强壮的男身体建设照片的例子:1035267984

Heres an example of one that I found online

Im sorry but I dont understand what you mean by manly body building photos.请再详细说明一下。

Heres an example of a strong male bodybuilding photo

Some examples of strong male bodybuilding photos include the Big 10 which includes bench presses squats deadlifts pull-ups military presses cleanjerks rows chin ups tricep extensions leg curls and leg extensions.此外,还有被称为大十件式样(The Big Ten)的举重动作包括卧推、深蹲、硬拉等。这些照片展示了男子健美运动员在训练和比赛中的表现力与力量感。

Some examples of manly body-building photos include those that show muscular development and physical strength such as the biceps or triceps. Other examples could be shirtless pictures with a focus on upper body or lower body muscles.

Manly bodybuilding photos can include images of men with large muscles strong jawlines or lean bodies. Manly bodybuilding photos can also be used to promote healthy lifestyles and fitness goals.

Heres an example
这里有一个示例: Man
